Indigicare Connect believes that everyone should be able to exercise their choice and control i.e. to have the right to live with whom they would like to and where they would like to and to receive the services they need.
Indigicare Connect offers stability, security, and a place to call home within their own community. The support needs are based on the person’s goals.
Accommodation Locations
St George
More Living Options
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Supported Independent Living
At Indigicare Connect we will work together with the person and the NDIS to identify if they need 1:1 support or would like to share a home and live with other people.
We will support the person to achieve their lifetime goals as well as build capacity to live independently by supporting the person to learn to cook a meal, clean the house, pay their bills, assist with personal care, and other activities as selected by the person.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is suitable for people who are not able to live with their family or who want to be independent.
Short-Term Accommodation (STA)
This is sometimes called Overnight Respite Indigicare Connect can provide short-term accommodation either planned or in an emergency situation.
Indigicare Connect has many different properties to suit different accommodation needs. A home environment is provided while making sure that it meets the needs of each individual. One-on-one support can be provided for those who require a little more support, or you can spend time with other people of similar interests and ages.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA dwellings have accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered better or more safely.